Wednesday 27 June 2012

Whitehouse for a White Wedding

If you have decided on a small and intimate wedding, The Whitehouse at Chillington is a gorgeous find! I came across this place when I was on the hunt for a venue for my wedding. Sadly my guest list was a little too long to put a deposit down but I'd love to plan a big celebratory weekend at The Whitehouse, perhaps a milestone birthday or a family celebration...hmmm.
This Georgian, boutique house-hotel is nestled slightly inland from the South Devon coast and can become your very own for the weekend - imagine checking in with your wedding party the night before and making yourselves at home before the big day - think private bar, a scrumptious menu, watching movies in the snug, relaxing in the pretty gardens, pampering yourself in a luxurious bathroom & getting your beauty sleep in one of the stylishly furnished bedrooms. The stunning, light-filled dining room, with the Whitehouse's signature chandelier, would house your wedding breakfast or for slightly larger weddings a marquee can be tagged onto the main house for extra party space! Very cool & very different. I like this place a lot!
Pictures from

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